Official History of BCTV
BCTV History
Cable television originated in 1949 as a way of providing good reception to areas where the conventional TV signal was weak, usually due to mountains or tall buildings blocking the broadcast signal.  In 1963, because the telephone company would not let its poles be used for cable television, the State of Connecticut took over the regulation of cable television as a public utility.  The State was broken into twenty (20) franchise areas beginning in 1967, but legal issues (e.g. appeals by local TV, cable, slow FCC rulings) delayed availablity until 1973.  Branford is within the franchise area currently referred to as the Comcast/Branford franchise and includes six (6) other towns: Wallingford, North Haven, East Haven, North Branford, Guilford and Madison.  When cable TV debuted within this franchise area, the company was known as Community TV Systems.  Over the years, due to the company being sold, it was known later as Rollins CableVision, Heritage Cablevision, TCI Cablevision, AT&T Broadband, and now, Comcast.

Connecticut's regulatory policy is governed by the intent to provide every resident the opportunity for cable television.  In the 1970's, the Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) ruled that new cable companies, in order to receive what's known as a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) (franchise certificate) must have public access channel(s) and provide a reasonable level of support for those channels.  This policy was promulgated in part by Branford's own State Representative, Ruth Clark.

In 1973, Community TV Systems (CTS) became Branford's first franchise holder. Rollins Cablevision purchased CTS, and continued to expand the system.  Branford was originally assigned two specific channels (32 and 33) for public, educational and governmental access.

One organization had to be designated as the local public access authority.  In 1973, Branford Cable Access Board was established by the Branford Representative Town Meeting (RTM) with the following: Ruth Clark, Bob Hale, Mitch Laska, Peter Mullen, Jim Rocqui and Friskie Sweitzer (aka Wheeler).  Hale and Laska were were representatives of the Board of Education; Peter Mullen was with the fire department.  The Board's mandate was to oversee the construction of cable lines and to facilitate the activation of Branford's public access programming over its public access channels.  This Commission, with its members appointed by the First Selectman, continued into the early 1990's.  Considerations regarding funding and the creation of public access programming free of politics, led the committee to recommend that public access be reformed from a town appointed commission to a non-profit independent corporation.

In June, 1993, the RTM approved the transfer of public access oversight to Branford Community Television, Inc. (BCTV), a private, non-profit corporation.  BCTV continues as a private non-profit corporation to the present.

The DPUC mandates that all cable TV companies provide a reasonable level of support for the public access channels in their franchise area.  The exact amount is decided at franchise renewal time, as well as by the DPUC in annual adjustments for inflation.  BCTV delegates testified at the DPUC hearings, arguing, sometimes successfully, that public access television should receive more support from the cable franchise that was increasing its charges to the public.

In 1993, additional funds were generated directly from a check-off on the bills that cable subscribers received, but that process was discontinued as the cable companies found it too cumbersome.

Branford's funding continues to come from the cable franchisee, but the amount is now allocated per subscriber, as described in the franchise agreement.  All franchise funds are directly disbursed to each of the respective officially-recognized P.E.G. access TV groups within the seven-Town Comcast/Branford franchise.

The BCTV Board of Directors is currently exploring a role for sponsorships and grants, consistent with the DPUC and our bylaws.

During the late 70's into the 80's, public access cablecasting (channels 32 and 33) were run from the Branford firehouse, with thanks to the special availability of one of the dispatchers, John Maturo, and under the leadership of Peter Mullen.  Reel-to-reel, 1/2 inch black & white tapes were used until 1983, when the tapes were switched to 1/2 inch VHS.  The by-laws of the Branford public access channels described the equipment as belonging to the Fire Department, and the Fire Department had priority in scheduling equipment.

It was Craig Newton, appointed to Branford Cable Access Advisory Board, who was critical in obtaining space in the Canoe Brook Community Center for BCTV.  During the 80's and into the 90's, the programming and public access cablecasting of channels 32 and 33 originated from the basement of Canoe Brook.  The educational access channel (32) was run out of the Walsh Intermediate School, and the government access channel was run from Town Hall.  In the 1990's, the delivery systems improved to direct fiber optic connections, providing improved signal clarity, and, in August 1993, a third access channel (20) was added.  The P.E.G. channel assignments were moved from 32, 33 and 34 to 18, 19 and 20.  It was Art Scharf and Leona Peterson who were instrumental in having more Town meetings taped and cablecast.

However, there was no studio for the creation of public access programming in the 1980's and 1990's.  During that time, the camcorder was developed, which encouraged the creation of home videotaping and BCTV's equipment was available, on loan, to programming producers.  Branford video enthusiasts, working with what is now technologically primitive equipment, provided programming for the public access channels.  In 1991, TCI Cablevision gave BCTV access to its studio for training and production.  However, most programs were produced off site with occasional attempts to "create" a studio in Canoe Brook.

In 2005, after many years of dreaming and planning, BCTV opened a broadcast and production studio at 40 Kirkham Street.  Since August, 2005. all cablecasting for channels 18 and 20 and much program production comes from those new studios at 40 Kirkham Street in Branford. On October 24, 2008, all three BCTV channels were also added to the lineup of AT&T U-Verse, thus allowing BCTV to be viewed by all AT&T U-Verse subscribers throughout Connecticut on channel 99.  In December, 2009, BCTV moved to a larger space on the main floor in the same building at 40 Kirkham Street.  The move and outfitting of the new, larger studio was made possible in part by a grant from the State of Connecticut, as well as support from the Town of Branford, and the Visiting Nurse Association (Lifetime Solutions).

During the late 70's and early 80's, there was public interest in expanding from the traditional means of expressions (letters, media, public forums).  The development of consumer camcorders, in the late 70's and early 80's, led to the ease of video production.  Public access television became a means for the public to produce, communicate and speak openly without violating the three P's (profanity, pornography and profit). 

The local newspapers began to print a schedule of programs airing on BCTV. Examples of early producers and their programming include:
*Peter Mullen, training officer of the Branford Fire Department, ran training programs for all his volunteers and taped Town meetings.
*Ernst Weber, a local artist, created Oasis D'neon, a regular program during the early 1980's.
*Frank Twohill, a member of the RTM and one of the early directors of BCTV, videotaped a trip to England and did a "Live from The Branford Green" each year during the Branford Festival.
*David Anderson produced tapes from the Land Trust.
*Doug Amman did high school sports broadcasts on Monday evenings.
By 1984, the First Selectman meetings were taped and cablecast every Sundday evening.
Since 1983, church services from four or five congregations have been cablecast each Sunday (first Trinity and then First Congregational Church).

A website was created,, to provide information about BCTV, to encourage participation in its activities and to inform the public about BCTV and community access television in general.

As a non-profit group, BCTV attracted many residents.  Volunteers were the backbone of the station, running the broadcast tapes, assisting in production and providing training and administration.

Debby Casey trained volunteers and ran the station from 1986 to 1998, and produced various programming. 

Kurt Spitzner took over in 1988 from whom Keith Spaar learned about taping meetings and running the station.

In December, 1994, the Board hired Kerry Johnson and her father, Gordon Johnson the following May as Program Coordinator for part-time technical help.

In January, 2000, with the growth of BCTV, the description for a Station Manager (part-time) was developed and several people served in that position.  Walter Mann has been the Station Manager since December, 2005.

Selected sampling of BCTV Board Members over the years:

February, 1987:
Branford Community Access Advisory Board: Craig Newton, Chair, Jack Ahern, Teresa Bratten, Deborah Casey, Margot Hardenbergh, Ed Kelsey, Mitch Laska, Diane McGuire (resigned), Friskie Sweitzer.

April, 1991:
Branford Community Access Advisory Board: Craig Newton, Chair, John Case, Jack Gambardella, Margot Hardenbergh, Mitch Laska, Peter Mullen, Art Scharf, Keith Spaar, Kurt Spitzner, and Friskie Sweitzer (Wheeler).
Copyright 2006-2015.  Branford Community Television, Inc.
TEL: 203-481-3232
FAX: 203-483-8507


Studio/Office Hours:
Mon: 4PM-9PM

Tue: 11AM-9PM

Wed: 10AM-12PM
and 4:00PM-9PM

Thur: 4PM-9PM

Fri: 11AM-4PM

Sun: 11AM-2PM
The "Eagle" Lands At BCTV!
The "Eagle" has landed at BCTV!  A brand-new, issues-oriented local TV program focusing on topics affecting Branford residents has recently debuted on BCTV.  The program, "The Branford Eagle," is based on the popular online Branford newspaper of the same name, and is hosted by veteran journalist Marcia Chambers.  The first episode featured special guests Lonnie Reed, (D), candidate for State Representative (102nd District) and Edward Meyer, (D), State Senator (12th District).  For scheduled airtimes, CLICK HERE.
Longtime Branford Resident Rhoda Loeb Honored For Her Years of Community Service To BCTV
At its monthly meeting on July 8, 2008, the Board of Directors of Branford Community TV, Inc. (BCTV), presented Rhoda Loeb with a Certificate of Appreciation honoring her fifteen years of service on the BCTV Board of Directors. As one of the longest continually serving Board members in BCTV’s history, Loeb has seen many changes in the local station’s operations, and has played a key role in BCTV’s growth and expanding services to the Branford community.
Above photo: Loeb, center, is congratulated by Margot Hardenbergh , Board President, and Walter Mann, BCTV Station Manager.
Photo Courtesy: Marcia Chambers
Above: (left to right): Lonnie Reed, "Unk" DaRos, Rosa DeLauro, Ed Meyer at a recent event.  Reed, DaRos and Meyer have all been guests on "The Branford Eagle" TV show on BCTV.
Branford Eagle
The Television Show
with Marcia Chambers
Spotlight On Jan Doyle's
"Classroom Connections"
(Branford, CT) March 3, 2009
She's been an elementary school teacher for over 34 years, and now she's a TV show host.  Meet Jan Doyle, host of "Classroom Connections," a show produced at  BCTV and aired throughout the region.   Doyle, who has also taught photography at Gateway Community College, and is a past president of the New Haven Camera Club, has had many guests discussing educational issues.  One of her more famous guests was Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of the book "Love, Medicine and Miracles."  Doyle lives in Branford, CT with her cat Kodak.  Don't miss "Classroom Connections" on BCTV.

Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D. (left) and Jan Doyle,
host of "Classroom Connections" on BCTV.
BCTV's Pete Lombard Scores Big At Recent Pilot Pen
Branford Community Television was the only TV media to cover the entire match between 2005 Tournament Champion James Blake (number 1 seed, ranked number 5 in the world) and unknown wildcard Rimerez-Helgado (ranked 57th in the world) which proved to be the one of the biggest upsets and comebacks in the history of men's tennis. BCTV caught all the action on High-Definition/Wide screen. To BCTV's knowledge, it is the first time in the State of Connecticut that HD has been used for Public Access TV.
BCTV's Pete Lombard with World Champion Lindsey Davenport
Reporter Pete Lombard from Branford and his cameraman Victor Saavedra also of Branford got an exclusive interview after the match with Rimerez from Spain, who spoke very little English. Saaverdra was able to translate the interview.  The TV special has been picked up by Public Access TV through out Connecticut and recently on Portland Maine's public access channel, which covers seven towns in Southern Maine. Pete and Victor also scored an exclusive interview with Lindsey Davenport (2005 Pilot Pen Women's Champion) who withdrew in the finals with an injury. This broadcast can only be viewed on Public Access TV. Check you local provider for a schedule.
BCTV Producer Jan Doyle Wins National Alliance for Community Media Award For Her "Classroom Connections" Educational
TV Program
(Branford, CT)  "Classroom Connections" Host/Producer Jan Doyle, was announced as a winner of the "Educational Profile Program" award from the Alliance for Community Media. The specific program that won the award focused on Sliney School, and was part of a series done with superintendent Hamlet Hernandez.. Winners of the 2012 ACM Hometown Media Awards were chosen from more than 1,000 entries representing towns and cities across the country. The awards were handed out  at the Alliance for Community Media 2012 Conference & Exhibition, July 31-August 2, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Doyle has hosted the "Classroom Connections" program for several years, featuring guests including Bernie Siegel, M.D., an internationally recognized expert in the field of cancer treatment/ & holistic medicine. 
"Classroom Connections" Host/Producer Jan Doyle, (right), with Walter Mann, (left), BCTV Station Manager.
BCTV Televised Town Meetings Moved To New Branford Fire
For many years, most televised Town of Branford meetings were held at the Canoe Brook Senior Center,  However, recently, those televised Town meetings were relocated to the Training/Meeting Room at the new Branford Fire Headquarters.  The Training/Meeting Room is much more spacious than the former venue, and has added improvements including the addiition of a third robotic camera, improved audio, and much better acoustics.  Additionally, the new building allows for the placement of the TV control equipment in a separate room as opposed to the former venue where
Henry Pond, longtime videographer of Branford town meetings, in the TV control room at the new Branford Fire Headquarters.
the equipment had to be operated out of wall-mounted cabinets in the same room where the meeting itself was being conducted. Also, new wireless microphones and a state-of-the-art sound system are now part of the mix, allowing for improved, amplified audio in the meeting room.  This provides the ability for all in attendance at the meeting, no matter where in the room they are seated, to be able to easily hear all the goings on of the meeting.  BCTV thanks the Town of Branford I.T. and Fire Departments for their support.
BCTV Delivered Results, Analysis and Reports from Campaign Headquarters on Election Night
BCTV was on the scene to cover the Branford municipal election on November 5 with the "BCTV Election Live 2013" telecast. The election coverage, which aired live, from 8:00pm to 10:00pm, was anchored in-studio by broadcast veteran Jim Masters of THIRTEEN/WNET, New York, and CPTV/Hartford. Jim was joined by analysts Jeff Clark,Chris Sullivan and Frank Twohill, all of whom provided unqiue insight into the campaigns. As well, BCTV had reporters at all three campaigns headquarters, with Marcia Chambers, Sally Bahner and Jade Ye at Independent Branford Voters headquarters.

Throughout the telecast, BCTV would post the numbers as they came in, and aired the concession and victory speeches. BCTV would like to thank all of those involved in the telecast, including nearly twenty crew members, for helping deliver phenomenal, live election coverage that kept Branford residents informed, up-to-the-minute on this election that means so much to the Branford community. Replays of the telecast are now airing on BCTV, and can also be viewed on-demand, right here on, using the video player above.
Behind the scenes for BCTV's Election Live 2013. Here, its the control room crew in the midst of the live broadcast. .
BCTV Completes Installation of New Equipment
BCTV recently completed installation of new equipment to address various needs at BCTV. The equipment was purchased with funds attained from a grant from the State of Connecticut.  The grant, a Public, Educational and Governmental Programming and Educational Technology Investment Account (or PEGPETIA) was attained in November, 2012.  Purchased were new HD studio cameras,  an upgraded HD video switcher, and an additional editing system for the BCTV studio. Also purchased,was a new server-based program playback system and bulletin board system for the Branford Educational Access Channel, as well as technology to allow for live cablecasting of various Branford town meetings, were all purchased as a result of the grant.
BCTV Board Members recently attended the Branford High School Career Day 2013.  This annual event's goal is to offer Branford High School students the opportunity to meet area businesses and learn more about careers in their respective industry.  BCTV's Peter Hugret, Amy Koch and LIz Ferguson greeted the students and explained BCTV's role in the community and discussed careers in the television industry.  Special thanks to Branford Public School's Superintendent Hamlet Hernandez, as well as staff Lee Pantagoulus and Anna Puglia for their support of BCTV.
BCTV Participates in Branford High School Career Day 2013
Courtesy: History Channel/Left Field Pictures
History Channel "Chasing Tail" Scenes Filmed at BCTV !
A recent episode of the "Chasing Tail" series airing on History Channel was filmed at BCTV. Below, (left) BCTV's Chris Bennett is seen on History Channel in the BCTV Studio Control Room, while Sara Miles (below/right) is seen interviewing Mike Adronaco & Michael "Arky" Vaughn. For more pics, CLICK HERE.
"A Tour of the Stony Creek Quarry" is now viewable on BCTV and right here on  The video, hosted by Anthony "Unk" DaRos and Carl Balestracci, and taped by Chris Bennett, features unique tales about the storied history of the quarry, from its early beginnings to today.  You'll see terrific footage of the quarry today, and take a stroll down memory lane. You can watch the video on the player to the right.
New Video on History of
Stony Creek Quarry
New Branford History Video Debuts Right Here
on !
"Branford History: Davis Island, Stony Creek" shows classic footage of Branford not seen by the public in years. BCTV assisted in transferring the films to video. This is a digitally remastered film from 1929 and 1930 of Davis Island in the Stony Creek area of Branford, Connecticut. Lucy Cross takes us on a historical journey back to when her family lived on the island.Watch it on BCTV or right here using the video player to the left.
Join Marc Schwartz, host of the new program "Healthy Aging," when the focus is on "How To Extend The Healthy Years of Your Life."
Each episode of "Healthy Aging" will give insight and ideas on how to maintain health as one ages. This program is specifically targeted to Branford residents.The program is now airing on BCTV and right here, online at  Use the player to the right to view the program!
New "Healthy Aging" Show
with Marc Schwartz Debuts
BCTV Honors Late Board Member Dick Schreiber
BCTV held a very special event honoring Richard B. Schreiber, longtime BCTV Board Member who passed away in December.  The event featured the dedication of the BCTV studio in Schreiber's name, and featured the unveiling of a beautiful plaque that now adorns the entrance to the TV studio. 

On hand were current and former BCTV Board Members as well as Chris Peterson, son of the lated Richard B. Schreiber.  Warm memories and lighthearted stories of Schreiber were shared amongst those in attendance.  Schreiber will always be remembered for his longstanding dedication to BCTV and its mission.
Left to right: Alan Fitz (BCTV President-Emeritus), Chris Peterson (Son of Dick Schreiber), Matt Roth (BCTV President) pose with the plaque honoring Dick Schreiber.